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Hope for a Malaria-Free Future

Have you ever wondered if your investment in a cause is actually making a difference? There are so many problems facing the world—poverty, disease, war—that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder: Can one person really can change things for the better? The good news...

Ending Malaria, One Child at a Time

Malaria—an acute febrile illness transmitted by mosquitos—ravages the lives of nearly 200 million people on a yearly basis. Ninety percent of the deaths that occur from malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa . . . and tragically, 78 percent of these are children. The...

World Malaria Day

Today is World Malaria Day. A day designated by the World Health Organization to recognize the ongoing efforts around the world for malaria prevention and treatment. Globally, 3.3 billion people are at risk for contracting malaria, most of which reside in Sub-Saharan...
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