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What the Church Needs to Know About Suffering

[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Emily Wierenga” twitter=”emily_wierenga” short_bio=”Author of Save My Children, Chasing Silhouettes, and Mom in the Mirror”] Emily...

Christla’s Redemption | A Rescue Story

Elydia had just given birth to a beautiful little girl . . . but she could hardly bring herself to look at her. Losing her son only a few days prior had brought on a sudden, unbearable heaviness she feared would suffocate her completely. Elydia had done everything she...

Mari Audeli | A Rescue Story

Elsa was 16 years old and utterly destitute when she discovered she was going to have a baby. It was the last thing on earth she felt prepared to do. She wondered whether her emaciated, feeble body could even withstand the pregnancy. A gripping fear began to come over...

Second Chances

We will never know what she was thinking the day she walked to the river with all her boys in tow. Perhaps she was suffering from depression or was mentally unstable. Maybe a life of extreme poverty had proven too much to bear. Whatever the reason, there was no excuse...

A Safe Place

Watch Dieunie-Love’s Story – Haiti Spring ’13 on Vimeo Beautiful 4-year-old Dieunie-Love (pronounced “Jenny-Love”) greeted me with a shy smile as she leaned up against her makeshift home in the crowded, dusty village of Oanaminthe, Haiti. We stepped...
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