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A Harrowing Glimpse Inside Erbil’s Tent Villages

Early this morning, our team flew from Amman to Erbil, Iraq, where our partners are working around the clock to distribute aid to persecuted believers who have fled ISIS violence. There are an estimated 200,000 refugees in this area alone struggling each day to...

The Faces of the Persecuted: Jordan

Today, I’m in Amman, Jordan, on the frontlines of the humanitarian crisis that has swallowed up the Middle East in panic and desperation. ISIS’ systematic slaughter of Christians from Syria to Iraq has driven multitudes from their homes with nothing to call their own...

How the Church Can Join the Fight Against ISIS

As you read these words, I am with a World Help team on the frontlines of a brutal humanitarian war being waged by ISIS on Christians in the Middle East. This is no imaginary persecution: In Syria and Iraq, entire Christian communities have been destroyed. There have...

Equipping Church Planters During Crisis

Today was our team’s last day on the ground in the Middle East. It has been a truly incredible trip—one that God has used to bring help and hope to hundreds of people. I highly encourage you to read our reports from the field this past week. I am certain you will be...

The Gateway for the Gospel in the Middle East

After saying goodbye to our partnering staff and the incredible refugee families we met along the Syrian border, we set off for Turkey—a neighbor of Syria that is absorbing millions of people who have been uprooted from their homes because of persecution and conflict....
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