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How to pray for the world’s tough issues

How to pray for the world’s tough issues

These days it seems like the world is spinning out of control. There’s a lot of pain, fear, and evil. But just because there are struggles doesn’t mean we should give up on trying to make a difference. It just means we should be praying even harder and more fervently....
How to pray for the world’s tough issues

Prayer: The greatest act of love we can offer

My mother pours her prayers onto the page every morning. Consistently, she sits at her dining room table before anyone else is awake. Before the early sunlight has even trespassed onto the linoleum floor. Before she exercises, eats breakfast, or showers, she brings a...
Miracle Day of Prayer — Part 3

Miracle Day of Prayer — Part 3

“Prayer warrior” — as you read that phrase, there’s probably a person in your life that came to mind. Most of us know at least one person we would consider a prayer warrior, someone who has seen God’s power and runs boldly to Him in prayer. Praying is second nature to...
The 5 blessings of persecution

The 5 blessings of persecution

Voices raised in song, hands clapping, the drum beating. I was kneeling on the ground, worshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ in a language I barely knew. I was living in a country where Christianity wasn’t always welcome, but these men and women were...
How to pray for your sponsored child

How to pray for your sponsored child

Have you ever struggled to pray for your sponsored child? You know you should, but praying for someone you’ve never met and have little in common with can be difficult. If you need some inspiration, try thinking about your sponsored child in a new way. Why not pray...
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