“Your father has died,” Pascal’s mother said soberly. She could barely form the words as she looked into the sorrow-filled eyes of her five children. It was the only way she knew how to explain what had actually happened. Pascal’s father had shown symptoms of severe...
“Most people envision gushing, crystal clear water abundantly flowing off the majestic Himalayan Mountains in Nepal. To tell you the truth, I knew the need for clean water was prevalent before my husband and I lived here, but really, I had no grasp as to how...
[wh_blogger img=”http://worldhelp.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/michele.png” name=”Michele-Lyn Ault” twitter=”michelelynault” short_bio=”Writer of A Life Surrendered”] Michele-Lyn is more of a mess than she cares to...
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