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After Children of the World: Pascal’s Journey to Healing

“Your father has died,” Pascal’s mother said soberly. She could barely form the words as she looked into the sorrow-filled eyes of her five children. It was the only way she knew how to explain what had actually happened. Pascal’s father had shown symptoms of severe...

Water Essay | Through the Lens

“Most people envision gushing, crystal clear water abundantly flowing off the majestic Himalayan Mountains in Nepal. To tell you the truth, I knew the need for clean water was prevalent before my husband and I lived here, but really, I had no grasp as to how...

Not On Our Watch

[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Michele-Lyn Ault” twitter=”michelelynault” short_bio=”Writer of A Life Surrendered”] Michele-Lyn is more of a mess than she cares to...
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