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Letter Writing 101: Connecting With Your Sponsored Child

Have you ever felt intimidated by the correspondence process? Especially with a child you have never met . . . and from a culture you aren’t familiar with. Today, letter writing is an all-but-vanished art form. Few of us have written more than a greeting card or...
From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

No matter where in the world I travel, I am constantly reminded that people who live in countries we call “the third world” are no different than us. Parents share the same hopes, dreams, and desires for their children as I have for my own children and grandchildren....

Child Sponsorship: An Unexpected Path to Deeper Faith

“God blessed me with two children who live on the other side of the world,” child sponsor, Pamela Baker said. “Thousands of miles separate us. Yet, in a surprisingly brief time, they became members of my family.” The day Pamela made the decision to become a sponsor is...

Facebook Contest: Sponsor a Child for Free!

Do you remember that person who invested in you when you were young—the one who saw your potential and encouraged you to be the best you could be? Sponsorship offers you the opportunity to pay that kindness forward and be the one for a child in need. Not only does...
How Does My Letter Reach My Sponsored Child?

How Does My Letter Reach My Sponsored Child?

You’ve taken time to write your sponsored child a letter, sharing the latest news from your family, asking how they are doing in school, and ultimately letting them know you’re praying for them daily. You seal the envelope and place it in the mailbox, hoping your...
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