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How Do Different Countries Celebrate Christmas?

How Do Different Countries Celebrate Christmas?

  Christmas is only two weeks away! How are you celebrating the most wonderful time of year? Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? Are you already planning an elaborate Christmas dinner? Will you attend your church’s Christmas Eve service? Every family...
Does child sponsorship make a difference? Ask Nehemi!

Does child sponsorship make a difference? Ask Nehemi!

  If you’ve been around a while, you’ve probably heard us talk about the incredible impact of child sponsorship. By investing in a child’s life, you help meet their physical and spiritual needs … AND give them hope for a better, brighter future!...
The tragic history of Uganda’s child soldiers

The tragic history of Uganda’s child soldiers

  “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” — Colossians 3:21 (NIV) The year is 2001. A normal day begins in a small village in Uganda. As the sun rises, mothers usher their children out into the cool morning air. Their uniforms...
What happens when I give my monthly sponsorship gift?

What happens when I give my monthly sponsorship gift?

Sponsorship is life-changing for children living in poverty. When you become a child sponsor, you provide a boy or girl in need with essentials like nutritious food, clothing, medical care, and educational opportunities. Maybe you’re thinking, “That all sounds great,...
Small gift ideas to show BIG love to your sponsored child

Small gift ideas to show BIG love to your sponsored child

Good things come in small packages, right? As you purchase Valentine’s Day cards and chocolates for your loved ones, don’t forget to pick up a little something extra for your sponsored child, too. Everyone loves receiving gifts and feeling special, and your sponsored...
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