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4 Ways to Fundraise for Your Next Trip with World Help

4 Ways to Fundraise for Your Next Trip with World Help

  Traveling can be expensive. Even a cross-country trip can require months, or even years of saving up. And when you travel outside your country, those expenses can add up. When you decide to take a trip overseas with World Help, the associated cost might feel...
Help transform a remote village in Peru

Help transform a remote village in Peru

I just got back from Peru, where I traveled along the Amazon River with pastors who are passionate about changing this area of the world with the Gospel. We visited villages that are only accessible by boat — where clean water and adequate medical care are almost...

Snapshots from Guatemala

Today’s guest blogger is Ryley Rush, a recent World Help trip participant, and a member of the Austin Guatemala Project. AGP is a movement amongst twenty churches in Austin, Texas, to ignite a passion for missions through transforming the village of Pueblo...
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