There was a time in my life when I believed that good Christians aren’t afraid of dying.It was only when I was faced with my own death — the reality that the cancer might win — that I realized that’s not always true.Even if you know your soul is going to be with the...
As I battled with cancer, I faced an array of emotions.I felt like I was struck by a bombshell … then tried to pretend everything was normal. Eventually, I hit rock bottom and experienced a rude awakening when I realized my life was never going to be the same again.If...
Throughout my cancer journey, one of the many lessons God taught me was the lesson of humility. I already shared a little bit in a previous excerpt from Why about how I — a public speaker — had to learn to cope when a surgery resulted in me losing my voice. This week,...
Earlier, to celebrate the 10th anniversary release of my book, Why, I shared the introduction to the book in a blog post. But I’ve decided that the issues in Why are so universal that I want to share the entire book with you. After all, we all deal with trials and...
“You have cancer” — It’s a phrase no one wants to hear. I certainly didn’t. But as strange as it sounds, I now look back on that period of my life filled with hospital visits and radiation treatments, and I feel incredibly grateful. For a long time, I felt the Lord...