Check out our new resources for pastors and churches
Pastors and church leaders, World Help has a new resources webpage created specifically for you! You’ll be able to download FREE assets that will help your church stay informed about global ministry needs as well as know how to pray for some of the world’s most urgent...
‘The best Thanksgiving ever’
Not many families would willingly give up spending Thanksgiving with their friends and loved ones. But the Grganto family chose to travel overseas and enjoy last year’s holiday with people they’d never met. Erica and Bob Grganto believe in sharing their blessings...
The village of El Paraiso is looking a lot different these days
Nix and Linnea Daniel first heard about the needs in Guatemala when a friend invited them to a golf tournament sponsored by World Help supporters. Within a year, the family had traveled to the impoverished country to see the needs for themselves.Moved to action by...