Are you considering volunteering at World Help’s distribution center in Lynchburg, Virginia but have a few questions first? We’re here to help! Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and answers about volunteering: Q: Who can volunteer? Anyone is welcome...
Caroline Jones wasn’t sure what to expect. Especially when she and a group of volunteers from her church woke up at 4 a.m. to make the three-hour drive to World Help’s distribution center in Lynchburg, Virginia. “I’m not a morning person,” Caroline admitted. She was...
Linda Wheeler has come to be known as “the fun one” whenever she goes to Guatemala. She’s the one you’ll always find passing out toys and candy to the kids, asking the moms in the village if there’s anything they need, and just looking for ways to bring people a smile...
It’s been pretty quiet around the World Help offices lately. No all staff meetings in the family room. No birthday celebrations. Since March, staff members have been working remotely from the safety of their own homes, with only a handful of people trickling in and...
“First trip back to a restaurant!” “First post-quarantine haircut!” You may have noticed from social media, but a lot of people are ready to get out of the house (while safely social distancing, of course!) now that coronavirus restrictions are being lifted. And one...