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FAQ: Volunteering with World Help

FAQ: Volunteering with World Help

Are you considering volunteering at World Help’s distribution center in Lynchburg, Virginia but have a few questions first? We’re here to help! Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and answers about volunteering: Q: Who can volunteer? Anyone is welcome...
Volunteer Highlight: ‘It’s 100 percent worth it’

Volunteer Highlight: ‘It’s 100 percent worth it’

Caroline Jones wasn’t sure what to expect. Especially when she and a group of volunteers from her church woke up at 4 a.m. to make the three-hour drive to World Help’s distribution center in Lynchburg, Virginia. “I’m not a morning person,” Caroline admitted. She was...
A different kind of missions trip

A different kind of missions trip

Mission trips may be on hold this summer due to the coronavirus … but that couldn’t keep Amy Gordon and the rest of her team from 28:19 Ministries from serving others and sharing the Gospel worldwide. Instead of going on the group’s previously planned trip to Belize,...
Cabin fever? Here’s a safe place to volunteer

Cabin fever? Here’s a safe place to volunteer

“First trip back to a restaurant!” “First post-quarantine haircut!” You may have noticed from social media, but a lot of people are ready to get out of the house (while safely social distancing, of course!) now that coronavirus restrictions are being lifted.   And one...
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