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Gift Catalog2 min read


The Gospel on two wheels

Kelsey Campbell
Dec 07, 2018

Two wheels is all it took to help Joseph’s ministry explode.

Joseph, a pastor in Uganda, knows the best way to spread the Gospel is by meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of others.

But for quite some time, he was limited to sharing the Good News with those he could visit within walking distance. Today, however, he’s spreading the Word from a bicycle seat.

This Christmas, you can help provide other people like Joseph with the transformative gift of bicycles — all it takes is $100.

Here are just a few ways you will make an impact when you give a bicycle:

Families can gather water more quickly and easily.

Men and women’s job prospects aren’t limited to within walking distance of their homes.

Pastors can regularly visit congregation members and share the Gospel in their villages.

People can get to the doctor or hospital faster when there is an emergency.

The gift of a bicycle opened up a myriad of possibilities for Joseph.

He can now visit sick or elderly members of his church in their homes. He can evangelize to a larger area than ever before. And he can get to church faster on Sunday morning, giving him more time to prepare for services.

Joseph is also using his bicycle to be the hands and feet of Jesus to others by transporting people in need of medical care to the medical clinic in his village.

“Thank you for this bicycle,” Joseph said. “It is a great blessing. It will help me to serve not just my family, but my community. It will help me with my vision to bring the Good News of the Gospel for a physical and spiritual transformation because Christ has not been known in this village.”

Will you help give this same incredible gift to families living without transportation, job opportunities, or a way to get to and from church?

For $100, you can help provide bicycles and meet a person’s physical needs while showing him the love of Christ.


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