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Child Sponsorship3 min read


This pop-up card will make your sponsored child smile

April Stumme
Aug 17, 2018

When I was a child, I always looked forward to visiting the greeting card section at the grocery store.

I loved searching through all the different cards. I liked the ones that sang or made noises and laughed at the ones with jokes, but my favorites were always the pop-up cards.

Today, you can make your own pop-up card for your sponsored child! The inspiration for this craft comes from this video from Twitchetts. It’s easy to make, and it should take you less than 10 minutes from start to finish. You can even get your kids involved!

This card is a fun, bright reminder of how much you love the sponsored kid in your life.

Here’s how to make it:

Step 1:

First you’ll need to gather supplies. You probably have most of these at home.

• Four to five sheets of colored construction paper or patterned scrapbook paper

• One blank card OR one sheet of cardstock cut in half and folded to make a card

• A glue stick

• A pair of scissors

• A pencil, pen, or sharpie

Step 2:

Stack your construction paper in any order. Fold the sheets in half like a book. Then cut out a heart shape from your folded sheets. Cutting all the hearts at once ensures that your hearts will be the same size, which makes the next step much easier. Don’t worry if your hearts aren’t perfectly shaped. Once you finish your craft you won’t even notice.

Step 3:

Put your hearts in the order you would like in your card. Then take your first heart, and glue it to your second heart as shown in the picture below. Take your next heart and glue it to the other side of the second heart. Continue until you’ve glued all your hearts together.

Step 4:

Glue the outside of your stack of hearts to the side of the card. The crease of the hearts and the crease of the card should be aligned as shown here. Then press the card closed for about a minute while the glue dries.

Step 5:

Write your message in your card. You can also write a note or draw a picture on the front. Get your kids involved with this craft and let them express their creativity.

Now your card is done! You’ve made a craft that your sponsored child will love, and a handmade gift from you is one of the best presents you could give. If you make this card, post a picture on your social media and tag World Help. We’d love to see what you make.

Thank you for being a sponsor. You are transforming one kid’s life through your encouragement and generosity. Your cards, prayers, and support are bringing hope and joy to a child in need and giving him or her a brighter future.


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