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From the Field2 min read


Traveling to Guatemala | Blogger Trip Day One

Blog Team
Oct 02, 2012

noel yeatts



by Noel Yeatts

[ … ] Meeting physical needs must come first sometimes. In that way, not only do we “earn the right to be heard”, but we show that God really cares about our whole life. As Gabe Lyons says, “In the lives of the mistreated, underrepresented, and left behind of our world, the Christian responds by solving real problems.” Their acts of social justice demonstrate to the world that Christ cares about the here and now- not just the afterlife. In a couple hours I will land in Guatemala and literally come out of the clouds to embrace poverty […]

tiffany eriksen



by Tiffany Eriksen

I label myself a spontaneous planner. As in – I’m totally into spontaneity, but let’s be real… a little planning in the process never hurt anyone. It’s comfortable to know the plan, to know things are going smoothly, knowing there’s little worry, or room for error. However, I’ve never known a time in my life where things went so consistently […]

michele-lyn ault


by Michele-Lyn Ault

My heart is full of thanks today, and a little bit of sorrow, too. I’ll miss family. I wrote a little while back, it takes courage to go and it takes courage to stay. Today, I go. It’s been over a decade and a half since I’ve gone. It was Haiti, Husband and I went to when we were just newly weds. Haiti has never left our hearts. Today, I’m standing before a deli counter in the airport, waiting for my egg, ham and cheese bagel, tapping away on my iPhone […]

lauren mills


by Lauren Mills

When I was 16 years old, I came to know Jesus. I always knew of Him. But I came to know Him, the great God of the Universe who loved messed up me with an everlasting love. The King of Kings who laid down His life to give me mine, in abundance. He is the Lover of my soul and Savior of my life. Not soon after finding Jesus, my eyes […]


Blogging with World HelpWorld Help Bloggers

World Help and a group of bloggers/storytellers will be travelling to the beautiful but poverty-stricken country of Guatemala. They will see how lives are being impacted and communities transformed through the help of individuals committed to make a difference.

Their goal is to experience Operation Baby Rescue firsthand, as well as our other programs in Guatemala, in hopes that we can extend the story further and rescue more lives!

Learn More | Get Involved



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