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Bibles for All3 min read


Want to share God’s Word with 300 people this year?

Emily Towns
Feb 19, 2019

When I look at the bookshelf in my living room, I count not one, not two, but seven Bibles. And that’s not counting the two in my bedroom and the several stored in boxes at my parents’ house. When it comes to things I want or need, more Bibles isn’t one of them. If I’m being honest, I could do a better job reading the ones I do own!

But numerous believers around the world only dream of owning a copy of God’s Word. In fact, in countries like North Korea, China, and Iraq, many Christians have never even held a Bible.

They have studied the Word of God on scraps of paper, hastily scribbled and passed around. They have memorized verses spoken by others, committing the words to their hearts. They love the Scriptures — and they want to read it for themselves.

Men and women around the world are begging for Bibles. And for just $25 a month — the price of a few lattes — you can become a Bibles for All Ambassador and help bring God’s Word to Bible deserts, some of the world’s most remote and closed-off countries.

Here are some advantages to becoming a Bibles for All Ambassador:

1. It’s simple

You never have to worry about forgetting to send your gift when you sign up for a recurring, monthly gift by credit card or direct deposit. Or let us know you’d like a monthly reminder. Your $25 monthly gift will send five Bibles to places like China, Iraq, Rwanda, Cuba, and other Bible deserts around the world.

That means 12 times a year, you’ll be giving people their first copy of God’s Word without even having to remember to write a check or go online to donate.

2. It’s effective

After an entire year of giving, you will have sent 60 Bibles around the world! And since each Bible is shared with an average of five friends and family members, you will have impacted 300 people with the Gospel in one year.

Plus, because we have partners on the ground in these countries identifying where Bibles are the scarcest, you can be sure the copies you provide will be given to the people who need them most.

3. It’s informative and empowering

Every month, you will receive a report, letting you know more about the impact you are making for believers and seekers around the world. Through these updates, you will learn more about the different parts of the world and the different types of people that are receiving the Bibles you have provided. You will be able to see how God is using your gifts to bring hope around the world.

But most importantly, you will be able to see how big changes can happen when you give faithfully. Five Bibles may not seem like a lot, but to the 25 people who get to read God’s Word for the first time every month, your gift is life changing. And as you continue to give, the number of people’s lives you touch can reach into the hundreds or — over several years — even thousands!

When you become a Bibles for All Ambassador, you help carry out the Great Commission and spread the Gospel all around the world … right from your home.


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