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Child Sponsorship3 min read


Write to Your Sponsored Child this Valentine’s Day

Amanda Mattingly
Jan 26, 2015

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and is a holiday many people in the United States enjoy celebrating. Men, women, and children throughout the country exchange gifts, cards, and plan special events to spend time together. Growing up as a child, my parents would always write my two older sisters and me a Valentine’s Day card and have it ready for us with a small gift at dinner. We would eat together as a family and then read our cards from our parents. It was a special evening filled with great memories, and we always enjoyed it.

As I was thinking about this and how I would love to have these traditions with my own children one day, I was thinking why wait? I may not have children of my own yet, but my husband and I sponsor two wonderful children that we love and pray for daily. So we are taking this opportunity to write them this Valentine’s Day and share how much we love them, and ultimately, how much God loves them too.

Write to Your Sponsored Child

I want to encourage all our World Help’s sponsors to do the same—write a special note to your sponsored child this Valentine’s Day. Here are three reasons why you should join with us in sending an encouraging note on this special day.

  1. Share your own traditions and include your sponsored child as part of the family.

Just like my family did, I’m sure you have your own traditions on Valentine’s Day. Take this opportunity to explain to your sponsored child what this holiday is about in our country, how your family celebrates, and let them know that they are now a part of your family’s Valentine’s tradition. And more important, they will be so excited to receive a special note from you.

Perhaps have your own children pick out a card, write a note, or make a small craft to send to your sponsored child this Valentine’s Day. I remember picking out those small boxes of valentine cards with my favorite cartoon characters or princesses to share with my classmates . . . it was such a fun time!


  1. Tell your sponsored child how valued and loved they are.

You can never tell your sponsored children too often how much they are loved and valued. Sponsors have the unique opportunity to show this love through their correspondence. Take time to share how proud you are of the accomplishments they have had in school recently or maybe even in a sports event they’ve shared with you.

Every time you write to your sponsored child is an opportunity to remind them how special they are and that they can accomplish great things in their lives. You can even write a prayer to remind them you are praying for them daily. All of these things are a great way for you to connect with and build a relationship with your sponsored child throughout the year. You can use this Valentine’s Day as a great reason to start!

How to Write a Letter to Your Sponsored Child

  1. Share a message of God’s love.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” –1 Corinthians 13:13

The greatest love there is to share is the love of Christ. Valentine’s Day can be a great opportunity to tell your sponsored child about God’s love if you’ve never done so before. And if you have, it’s a wonderful way to continue reminding them about His goodness. You can write a favorite verse, a prayer, and share a word of encouragement. What greater gift do we have to give than to share the love of God with a child this Valentine’s Day?

We invite you to join with us in this sponsorship journey through correspondence . . . specifically by writing a letter to your sponsored child this Valentine’s Day. If you’ve never written your child and are looking for more tips, please click here.


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