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Child Sponsorship5 min read


Your sponsored child will “bee” happy you sent this craft!

Sam Campbell
May 23, 2022

When the bees start buzzing, you know that warmer days are ahead.

But bees aren’t just a reminder of the changing seasons (or an incoming wave of pollen that’s sure to turn your car yellow). This simple bee pop-up card from Red Ted Art is a creative way to remind your sponsored child how much you care.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to get your kids or grandkids involved in sponsorship this summer, so make sure you ask them to join in on the fun!

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

– Yellow, black, and blue construction paper

– Colored paper for extra decoration (optional)

– Cup or another object with a circular end

– Pencil

– Marker

– Glue stick

– Scissors

Step 1: Cut out the shapes

Take five pieces of construction paper — three yellow and two black — and stack them on top of each other. Using a circular object like a cup or jar lid, trace a circle on the top sheet of paper. Then, cut out the shape. You should end up with five circles. If you prefer, you can cut out each circle separately.

Make sure you also cut out a head, wings, eyes, and a little stinger!

Step 2: Create the paper bee

After folding each of the five circles in half, add glue to one half of a yellow circle. Do the same to a black circle. Press the two glued sides together. Keep repeating this as you rotate between both colors.

Once you’ve combined all five semicircles, open it up to reveal the striped “bauble.” Glue the wings, head, and stinger to the flat side of the bauble, and then glue on the eyes to complete your bee!

Step 3: Assemble the card

You’ll need to house your paper bee inside a card. Simply fold a sheet of blue construction paper in half, open it back up, and glue your bee along the inside seam. This will create a pop-up effect when your sponsored child opens the card!

Step 4: Add the final details

What’s a bee without flowers, right? You can now add some clouds or colorful flowers using any extra construction paper you may have. Next, take your marker and write “I’m glad to BEE your sponsor” somewhere inside the card — because who doesn’t love a good bee pun?

Step 5: Mail your craft

Once you’ve finished, consider writing a short note letting your sponsored child know what you made and how much he or she means to you. Then, slip everything inside a 6-by-9 inch envelope and mail it to:

[Sponsored Child’s name and Child ID #]

c/o World Help Child Sponsorship Program

P.O. Box 501

Forest, VA 24551

We’ll take it from there!

Not only will your craft be a special piece of artwork that your sponsored child treasures, but it will also be a reminder of your love every time they look at it.

If you’re not a sponsor but would like to learn more about how you can help a boy or girl in need, click the button below.

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