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Help a child escape poverty. Become a sponsor.

Help a child escape poverty. Become a sponsor.

You can help a child escape poverty by providing essentials like nutritious meals, medical care, educational opportunities, and a chance to experience the love of Jesus.

All it takes is $40 a month to transform a life.

Will you sponsor a child who is waiting for help?

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Sponsor a child

Why sponsor a child?

It will change a child’s life

  1. 1. Your sponsored child will never have to worry about having enough food, clean water, or medical care.
  2. 2. You will prepare your sponsored child for a successful future.
  3. 3. Your prayers and letters will encourage your child and show how much you care.

It will change YOUR life, too!

  1. 1. You will be the hands and feet of Jesus to a child in need.
  2. 2. You and your family can learn about another culture.
  3. 3. Your own faith will grow as you see God work in your sponsored child’s life

How does child sponsorship work?

As a sponsor, you will receive:

1. A booklet with everything you need to know about building a relationship with your child

2. Your first letter from your child with instructions about how to write back

3. Reports from your child’s program so you can see what he or she has been up to

4. A new photo of your child every year so you can watch him or her grow

5. Cards to send on special days like Christmas and birthdays

6. And more!

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