You know the reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
So what better gift could you possibly give this holiday season that one that points somebody to Him?
Here are three ways you can make an eternal impact with your holiday giving:
Give someone a Bible

Imagine never being able to read the story of Jesus’ birth.
In “Bible deserts” — places where Bibles are either illegal or hard to find — most people have never even seen a Bible, much less owned one.
This holiday season, you can send God’s Word around the globe. And since Bibles are often shared among family and friends, each copy you give can impact an average of five people!
Train a pastor

Many pastors in remote communities have never received any kind of formal Biblical training.
Your gift will provide them with the education and resources they need to better read and interpret God’s Word and lead their congregations in their walk with Christ.
By investing in one pastor, you’re helping his entire church better understand the Scriptures and draw closer to God.
Help construct a church building

A church building means everything to a community of believers.
When a congregation has to meet outside, services are limited by the weather. But when they have a building, they can gather rain or shine to worship God together and learn from His Word. Plus, a building provides some protection for Christians living in areas where religious persecution is a threat.
A physical church also provides a hub from which a congregation can meet the needs of their community and is a clear landmark where seekers know they can go to learn about God.
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