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Bible Distribution project report | 2016

Published: November 28, 2016

Project Update

Middle East, Cuba, China, Ukraine, and North Korea.

The Bible is the most precious gift you can give someone. It has the power to bring hope in difficult times and to reveal God’s unfathomable love for us. Thank you for seeing one person’s ultimate need and providing the gift of Scripture in the Middle East, Cuba, China, Ukraine, and North Korea.


Your selfless giving means that a believer now has his own Bible for the first time and can grow more deeply in his faith. Because of you, a woman searching for the truth has been introduced to Jesus and learned how He gave His life to save hers.


God’s Word — filled with stories of believers who remained faithful despite persecution — is an extraordinary source of encouragement for refugees. However, many Christians in the Middle East have been forced to leave their Bibles behind as they flee from ISIS. Some have had their Bibles confiscated and burned.


Your contribution allowed these believers to have God’s Word once more. A father now can read to his family about Christ’s promises to comfort those who are hurting and to reward those who su er in His name. A mother can share with her children how ISIS, like Joseph’s brothers, meant to do them harm … but God had an ultimate plan for their good.

Thanks to you and other faithful supporters, more than 700 refugee children in Erbil, Iraq, received Bibles earlier this year. The Bibles were distributed along with boxes of small gifts during a special day dedicated to fun and encouragement. Months after the celebration, these boys and girls are still experiencing the hope they felt that day each time they open God’s Word.

Thank you for remembering that hope is just as vital as physical aid during this difficult time in the Middle East.


Christians in China are expected to attend state-approved churches where preaching about Christ’s resurrection and second coming are prohibited. Those who hunger for the Gospel are forced to meet in secret or face the threat of arrest.

Despite these restrictions, Christianity remains the fastest-growing religion in China. Some even predict that this nation will be home to more Christians than any other country in just 15 years. Sadly, since printing Bibles is illegal in China, many new believers do not have their own copy of Scripture.


You are helping to change that:

John,* a 12-year-old boy who became a follower of Christ earlier this year feared that he would never own a Bible. After all, his village is located in a poor, remote area of China where Bibles are especially scarce. He longed to study God’s Word for himself — specifically the grown-up version, not the children’s version — and learn more about his Savior.

Now, John and a group of his recently saved friends all have their own grown-up Bibles. They can read and study together, growing closer to God each day. Your generosity is helping prepare the next generation of Christian leaders in China.

*Name changed for security


Scripture has the power to change lives, to save souls … but only if someone is given the chance to read it. Thank you for spreading the message of God’s love around the world and doing your part to further His kingdom.

Your gift is truly making a life-changing impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.

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