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Meet Jafit: Fight for her

Melissa Schultz
Apr 19, 2017

Deep in the heart of India lives a tribe called the Banchara … a community defined by the 500-year-old practice of child prostitution.

Jafit began her work in the sex trade when she was just 12 years old. In order to keep her identity safe, we’ve changed her name.

Unlike most of her friends, she wasn’t forced into the industry by her parents. But she was expected to help provide dowry money for her four brothers, a tradition known as Nari Mata. Without an education, she had no other options but prostitution.

Today, Jafit is 18 years old.

She already has a 4-year-old son, and she estimates it will take another 40 years — practically her whole life — to pay off the loans for her brothers’ dowries.

In the six years she’s been in the sex industry, she has experienced incredible abuse and mistreatment. But that’s just an ordinary part of her job … she expects it.

She desperately longs to get married and find a job that will allow her to help her brothers — without selling her body and losing her dignity. But without an education, she’s completely trapped … her dreams for the future are on hold.

Will you help a young girl like Jafit escape child prostitution? For just $50, you can help her become part of a Freedom Community where she will have the chance to receive a quality education and receive the tools she needs to live a better life.

You can help change the future for one Banchara girl. You can fight for her. You can give the gift of FREEDOM today!


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