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Aid and Relief6 min read


Will you be an answer to someone’s prayers?

Emily Towns
May 14, 2019

There’s nothing quite like getting a surprise package in the mail from people who love you.

I was in the midst of a two-year term living overseas, and I was struggling. Out of nowhere my life had become very hard. Health issues, relational issues, spiritual issues — you name it, and I was probably dealing with it. I was depressed and anxious and losing hope fast. But then, a package arrived at my door.

My family and friends had put together a box of my favorite things. Silly things like fuzzy socks and cheesy movies, and important things like vitamins I couldn’t find in South Asia and a new notebook to process my thoughts in.

These things made me smile and reminded me everything was going to be OK. They reminded me I wasn’t alone in my struggles. They reminded me God had not forgotten about me, even though it sometimes felt like He had.

Today, people around the world are waiting for a physical answer to their prayers. They are waiting for food to soothe their hungry bellies. They are waiting for medicine or medical equipment to heal their aching bodies. They are waiting for school furniture, warm clothing, clean water, and so much more. And YOU can be the one to help end their wait!

Across the globe, people are waiting for hope and a reminder that God is with them in the midst of their hunger, their pain, and their loss. When you help ship lifesaving aid, you play a part in answering their desperate prayers.

And when you give today, every dollar you give is multiplied 33X! That means a $30 gift will ship $990 worth of critical items like food, medicine, clothing, and more.

Join the mission to provide help and hope

When Jesus walked this earth, He spoke to people about the kingdom of heaven. He told them about His Father and shared parables about what life as a follower of God was supposed to be like. But He didn’t just preach.

Over and over in the Gospels, Jesus stopped his teaching to meet the physical needs of those around him. He healed the lepers, fed the hungry, embraced the children, and gave compassion to the least of these. He understood something that we often forget — healing is two-fold.

Transformation happens on the outside … and on the inside. By meeting physical needs, you demonstrate God’s love, and bring a piece of His kingdom here on earth.

Right now, World Help’s warehouse is full of supplies that will meet people’s most urgent needs. These goods have been donated by generous corporations and through government grants, but they still need to be shipped.

When you help ship emergency food, medical equipment, and more, you are the hands and feet of Jesus in places like Rwanda, Guatemala, Iraq, and around the world.

Here are some of the ways you can share the love of Jesus through shipping emergency aid:

Meeting medical needs

Just because a community has a medical clinic, doesn’t mean it is functional. In many villages, clinics and hospitals have equipment and supplies that are outdated and out of order. Because of this, doctors are not able to treat many of the illnesses and injuries that come through the doors.

Without proper equipment, people get misdiagnosed. Without the right surgical tools, people do not receive the surgery they need to survive. Empty cabinets and broken equipment are a death sentence for people like Valentin.

Like most young boys, Valentin spent his days running around his Guatemalan village with his friends. One day, Valentin climbed a tree. He had climbed trees many times before, so he wasn’t worried — but this time his fingers lost their grip on the bark. Valentin fell to the ground and suffered spinal damage that would impact the rest of his life.

Unable to walk or receive proper physical therapy, Valentin’s body deteriorated. Although his cuts and bruises faded, his organs began to fail. Eventually, his kidneys stopped working.

He was going to die. Valentin and his parents knew that there were no hospitals nearby with dialysis machines, and they couldn’t afford to travel. He began to lose hope … but then a miracle happened. A shipping container full of medical supplies arrived at a nearby medical clinic, and inside the container was a dialysis machine that would save Valentin’s life. 

For Valentin, help arrived just in time. The same is true for a girl named Katherine.

Feeding the hungry

When Katherine woke up one morning, she knew she would not eat that day. She had not eaten the day before, and there would probably be no meal tomorrow, either. The shelves in her home were bare, and without help, they would stay that way.

Thankfully, help arrived in the form of a shipping container full of shelf-stable food. Katherine and her family were rescued from a painful death by starvation. But not everyone is so lucky. In countries like Rwanda and Uganda, hunger is a constant enemy, especially to children and teens like Katherine.

Every day children suffer from a lack of proper nutrition. As their bodies wither away, so do their futures. But a shipment full of food and other lifesaving supplies gives these stories a happy ending.

Bringing hope and joy in the darkest places

Jesus seemed to specialize in meeting people in the midst of their darkest moments. Whether it was healing the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years (Mark 5: 24-23), raising a little girl from the dead (Mark 5:35-43), or feeding a giant crowd of people (Mark 6:30-44), He saw the hopelessness and the need, and He acted.

Now, He asks us to do the same.

By giving a gift today, you can help ship critical aid to an orphan, a refugee, or a family who is struggling to survive today. Even $30 can make a tremendous impact.

That’s because every dollar you give multiplies 33X! So your $30 actually helps ship $990 worth of medical supplies, food, and other relief to people like Valentin and Katherine.

Give today and send a shipment that will transform someone’s life for good!


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