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Your #GivingTuesday gift DOUBLES!

Blog Team
Dec 03, 2019

Today is Giving Tuesday — a time to pause and give back in the midst of all the holiday commercialism. After all, it is the season of giving!

And to make the day even more special, all donations to help where needed most will DOUBLE up to $70,000 thanks to a generous matching gift. That means you can provide help and hope to TWICE as many people!

Your Giving Tuesday donation will be used to help in the most urgent situations around the world. You can feed a family on the brink of starvation, provide emergency aid when disaster strikes, give lifesaving medicine to a sick child, or meet another person’s dire need.

You can be a rescuer for people like Claire, Chipo, and Tyag:

Claire’s story: Hope for a hurricane victim

Claire and her family lost everything when Hurricane Dorian ravaged Marsh Harbor in the Bahamas. Both her home and the school where she worked were damaged nearly beyond repair — so she suddenly found herself homeless and jobless.

But because of someone’s compassionate giving, Claire and her family received vital essentials like food, clean water, clothing, hygiene items, and more.

“[Receiving this aid] is hope,” Claire said. “It’s displaying the love of Christ to people. It’s taken a big burden off of us.”

Your Giving Tuesday gift to help where needed most will help make sure that relief supplies are ready to go as soon as a natural disaster strikes. By giving now, you ensure people like Claire don’t have to wait when a crisis arrives. Not to mention, when you give today, you’ll be able to help 2X as many people because your gift doubles.

Chipo’s story: Lifesaving help for a newborn baby

For Chipo, someone’s generosity helped save the life her newborn son. Chipo went into labor just before a historic cyclone hit her village in Zimbabwe. The baby wasn’t going to wait until the storm was over, though, so she went to the hospital while her husband stayed behind to secure their house.

Chipo’s home and husband were swept away in the floodwaters that night.

With no possessions and no husband to help financially, Chipo had no idea how she’d provide for her son. She couldn’t even afford to buy clothes for her baby. And the new mom knew that without formula, wipes, diapers, clean water, and other essentials, she would lose her child … just like she had lost everything else.

Thanks to a donor and his selfless gift, though, Chipo received the vital essentials she needed to take care of her son.

Your gift given today can literally save the life of someone like Chipo’s newborn baby. You never know just how big of an impact your gift — no matter how big or small — can make.

Tyag’s story: The wait for water is over

“We faced lots of problems and difficulties because of the lack of drinking water,” Tyag said. Every day, the people from his village trekked miles to collect water. And when they arrived back home, the water more often than not made them sick because it was filled with bacteria.

It had been this way for as long as the people could remember. Tyag prayed for a solution … and because people on the other side of the world came together to give, Tyag’s village received the water well they had been waiting for so long.

The well is located right outside the local church, so now when people come to collect water, they can hear about Jesus, too!

Your Giving Tuesday gift not only helps meet people’s critical physical needs, but it also helps introduce them to the Gospel.

* * *

Claire, Chipo, and Tyag are just three examples of the impact you can make when you choose to give where needed most. And because of today’s matching gift, your impact will go further than you even thought possible!

Today on Giving Tuesday, will you give where it’s needed the most around the world?

If we all work together and reach that maximum matching amount of $70,000, that will be enough to impact 17,500 lives! That’s a much better Christmas present than any Black Friday or Cyber Monday deal.


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