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Coronavirus4 min read


A unique opportunity to fight coronavirus in Guatemala

Sam Campbell
Apr 20, 2020

The coronavirus has put a strain on medical systems here in the U.S. Even New York City’s Central Park has morphed into a makeshift hospital to accommodate the influx of infected patients.

So, just imagine how much harder this outbreak is on developing countries like Guatemala.

You can help during this time of crisis. When you give to the coronavirus emergency fund, your donation automatically DOUBLES up to $235,000 thanks to a matching gift from World Help Board members. You’ll provide medical care, food, and other lifesaving aid to TWICE as many people in need.

Guatemalan hospitals are even less equipped for a pandemic than those in the U.S. They don’t have the space or resources to treat many people in critical condition.

Thankfully, our partners in Guatemala have an excellent medical facility that generous World Help donors helped build in 2012. Now, that hospital could make all the difference for people suffering from coronavirus.

Government officials recently paid the medical center a visit and asked if the facilities could be used if necessary to treat coronavirus patients.

“Our mission has always been saving lives,” our partner said. “We will not hide our feelings from you: We are both incredibly inspired by the opportunity … and frightened. But we cannot deny the possibility that God has been preparing us ‘for such a time as this.’”

While our partner’s medical center is one of the safest places for coronavirus patients, the staff will definitely need extra help and resources to respond to these new needs.

Additionally, there are now many people throughout Guatemala and the world who are no longer able to work because of the pandemic. The poor are becoming poorer … and in many cases, they are starving.

It’s true: These days are scary and uncertain.

But perhaps God is calling YOU to help in “such a time as this.”

Every $8 you give will now provide critical aid for two people affected by the coronavirus.

Your emergency gift will allow people like those in Guatemala to receive the nutrition and medical care they desperately need.

It will put you right on the front lines, fighting against this pandemic and helping to save people’s lives. And since every dollar you give DOUBLES, you will help rescue 2X as many men, women, and children.

Plus, your doubled gift will also provide emergency food for out-of-work families here in the U.S. and hygiene kits for seniors and other high-risk individuals.

As the number of coronavirus cases and deaths multiplies every day, please take time to pray, as well.

“While we do not know what will happen as this situation changes,” our partner said, “we do know that we can pray.”

You may not be able to strap on rubber gloves to help out at the field hospital in Central Park. You may not be able to fly to Guatemala and volunteer.

But you can pray. You can give. And you can help save lives.

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