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A year in photos: 9 powerful images of what you’ve accomplished

Kelsey Campbell
Aug 18, 2020

Tomorrow, Aug. 19, is World Photography Day. And to celebrate, we’re sharing some of our favorite photos taken this year illustrating your impact around the globe.

Since last year’s World Photography Day, a lot has changed. There have been seasons of celebration and times of fear and uncertainty. Babies have been born, people have passed away, weddings have been held, and people have struggled.

But one thing these moments have in common is that they’ve shaped each one of us. And your generosity over the past year has helped families in need through it all.

Here are just a few powerful images of what you’ve accomplished this year:


1. You helped rescue families devastated by Hurricane Dorian

In September 2019, Hurricane Dorian destroyed some of the most prominent islands of the Bahamas. The amount of destruction was intense — more than most locals had ever experienced before. Recovery is still underway today and may take years. But your generosity helped many families begin to rebuild and gave them hope when everything seemed lost. 


2. You welcomed the Children of the World into your churches

On a happier note, the fall marked the beginning of the 2019-2020 Children of the World choir tour. Fifteen boys and girls from three different countries made the journey to the U.S. to sing in churches and schools and help find sponsors for other kids in need. Although their tour was cut short due to the coronavirus, they were still able to sing and dance for more than 19,000 people and, thanks to generous donors like you, saw hundreds of children connected with sponsors!


3. You helped Syrian refugees survive the harsh winter

Even though it’s no longer in the news, Syrian refugees are still struggling to survive. Many families have been living in ill-equipped camps for years, and they dread the winter most of all. In November, World Help founder, Vernon Brewer, was able to travel to the Syrian border and distribute aid that you provided for refugees. They were so grateful for every package of food and especially the coats, hats, and blankets to keep them warm in the winter ahead. Even with the language barrier, they expressed their thanks with heartfelt smiles, and in the case of this little guy, a friendly thumbs up!


4. You helped give girls in Thailand a Night of Freedom

Many girls who work in the bars of Thailand’s red-light districts don’t just wait tables — they sell their bodies so they can support their families back home. They aren’t known by their names in the bars, only by numbers. And if they want a night off, they have to pay a “bar fine” to replace what they would have made that night. This December, World Help donors covered those bar fines so hundreds of girls could march out of the bars together and enjoy a Night of Freedom Christmas party. The girls ate, played games, and most importantly, heard about the love of Jesus Christ and learned they have other options outside of the sex industry.


5. You helped rescue girls and boys like Pascal through sponsorship

Child sponsorship has the power to completely change a child’s life for the better. Pascal is proof of it. As a child, he lived in the care of a witch doctor because his mother couldn’t afford to provide for him. He even began learning some of the pagan rituals himself. But once he was sponsored, Pascal received the food, clothing, and other essentials he needed … and he also accepted Christ as his Savior! Now, Pascal has graduated is on his way to becoming a pastor.


6. You provided much-needed coronavirus relief

The coronavirus pandemic has hurt us all in some way … but it has also united us for the greater good. Because of generous donors like you, people who were already struggling to survive due to poverty now have the emergency food, hygiene kits, and other aid they need to survive the pandemic, as well. From providing diapers in the Dominican Republic to feeding the homeless of New York, you have impacted so many people’s lives during this difficult time.


7. You helped victims of disasters like the landslides in Nepal

Many countries have experienced deadly disasters this year on top of the coronavirus pandemic. Landslides in Nepal washed away entire communities, taking lives and livelihoods. You can see just a glimpse of the destruction in the photo above. People who were already desperate were left with nothing because of this latest natural disaster. But through it all, you stood by them. Through your giving, you helped people when the worst happened.


8. You shared the Gospel around the world

Every time that you have helped someone in need — either by providing food, medical care, or other aid — you have demonstrated the love of Christ. You’ve given not only physical help for today but eternal hope for tomorrow. Thank you for meeting the needs of the least of these and for opening doors to share the Gospel with people worldwide. 


9. You can help save another person’s life today!

For most people across the globe, 2020 has been one of the hardest years they’ve ever experienced. You, along with other donors, have made an incredible impact in providing immediate aid during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. But there are other families who still need your help.

Right now, a mother has just run out of her last serving of food rations. Today, a baby will contract an infection that could have easily been prevented with the right resources. In this moment, a family is wondering if they’ll make it out of this pandemic alive or with any hope still intact.

You can be the difference. You can help create those picture-perfect moments when a mother and father finally receive aid and can once again take care of their children.

Your gift today will help provide emergency supplies like food, clean water, hygiene kits, and more.

And, thanks to a generous matching gift pledged by World Help Board members, every dollar you give will DOUBLE up to $300,000 to help 2X as many people.

Your gift will also help erase a projected budget shortfall caused by canceled events due to the coronavirus.

But most importantly, you will help point people to the hope found only in Jesus Christ.

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