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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

What love looks like: Rescuing Uganda’s abandoned children

What love looks like: Rescuing Uganda’s abandoned children

Cyrus walked over to the wide-eyed baby boy at the Rescue Program in Uganda and spotted a piece of paper next to his crib: Abandoned. “What is his name?” Cyrus asked. “Moses,” the staff worker told him, smiling. “It means blessing.” Even though Moses had been...

From the Field | Hope, Resilience, and Purpose in Haiti

I’m in northern Haiti today with the World Help team visiting Danita’s Children—one of our partners in Child Sponsorship and Baby Rescue. This morning, as I walked through the streets, I saw evidence of spiritual darkness and poverty everywhere. My heart grew heavy...

Set Free | Rescue Programs

The word rescue has several definitions: “to free from confinement, danger, or evil” “to save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation” “to keep from being lost or abandoned; to retrieve” I’d like to add my own simplified definition to the list—to rescue...

2015 Impact: Child Development

The incredible impact sponsors make on a child is truly an eternal one . . . one that makes a difference in a single child’s life that not only helps them today but provides them hope for a more promising future. In 2015, World Help saw incredible growth in our Child...

3 Reasons to Write to Your Sponsored Child This Christmas

I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. There is something about the Christmas season that brings such excitement to so many people, but more than all of the excitement from family events and beautiful decorations, it’s a time to reflect on the ultimate gift we...

Ending Malaria, One Child at a Time

Malaria—an acute febrile illness transmitted by mosquitos—ravages the lives of nearly 200 million people on a yearly basis. Ninety percent of the deaths that occur from malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa . . . and tragically, 78 percent of these are children. The...
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