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It’s our most basic need, yet millions lack it

It’s our most basic need, yet millions lack it

Clean water — without it, none of our other needs can be adequately met. Over 70 years ago, a wise man named Abraham Maslow came up with what he called the hierarchy of needs. His hierarchy included self-realization, a sense of belonging, and safety. But he concluded...

Clean Water Gives Children a Chance to Succeed

Sajina sat nervously as her teacher walked around the classroom collecting homework. When it was her turn to pass in the assignment, she hung her head and admitted she didn’t have it . . . again. For years, Sajina had missed assignments and been absent from school...

World Water Day: One Life at a Time

Last World Water Day, 748 million people were still living without clean water. Today, exactly one year later, we celebrate knowing that number has decreased by 85 million.  Read that number again: 85 million people . . . People who finally have access to safe...

Fundraiser Lagging? Here’s the Recipe for Your Comeback.

You’ve made your fundraising page, shared it on social media, and even received a few donations. But now that the initial excitement is beginning to fade, you may wonder if you’ll be able to reach $450. We’ve got your back. Here are some tips for rekindling interest...

Do You Ever Question Your Purpose?

Many of us have come to a point in our lives in which we met a painful reality—the stark contrast between our comfortable, cozy lives and the deeply unsettling affects of poverty. And we begin to wonder . . . am I doing enough? For Katie Marshall, a certified trainer...
Caring About Women Should Start With Clean Water

Caring About Women Should Start With Clean Water

The more I learn about unsafe drinking water in the developing world, the more I realize how dissimilar my daily routine is from millions of women. At all times, I am within steps of clean water. Showering in the morning is as simple as twisting a knob. Cooking dinner...
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