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How Can You Provide Clean Water by Shipping Lifesaving Aid?

How Can You Provide Clean Water by Shipping Lifesaving Aid?

  Take a moment to imagine a day in the life of a woman in rural Zambia. She wakes up just before the sun rises. She knows she needs to fetch water before the day becomes unbearably hot. Quietly, she grabs her buckets and rope, heading out the door before her...
Pakistan is Running Out of Water

Pakistan is Running Out of Water

  It’s 1 a.m. in a neighborhood in urban Pakistan. Everyone should be asleep. Instead, the streets and homes are buzzing with activity. But these families don’t have a choice — their lives depend on staying awake. Men and women wait in their doorways with stacks...
[VIDEO] You helped meet urgent needs and transform futures!

[VIDEO] You helped meet urgent needs and transform futures!

The World Help family sure has been busy! In the past few months alone, generous donors have helped save lives, transform communities, and impact generations to come. Watch this short video to see how your gifts are making a difference: Ukrainian and Afghan refugees...
Joseph’s biggest problem? No clean water.

Joseph’s biggest problem? No clean water.

Joseph has watched too many people die in his small Tanzanian village — but not because of food shortages, war, or natural disasters. “Most people have died because of a lack of clean water,” Joseph said. “The water problem has become the biggest problem, especially...
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