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Dirty water’s effect on a young mom

Dirty water’s effect on a young mom

Every mom worries. She worries her child will get sick or make bad choices. She worries she’s not doing what’s best for her child. Even when things are going well, moms still worry for their children. They will do whatever they can to keep their children safe and...
Inside Latin America’s clean water crisis

Inside Latin America’s clean water crisis

Latin America is home to some of the world’s largest rivers and lakes. The region gets more rainfall than most other places around the globe. So why is it that Latin America is suffering a major water crisis? The answer — while there is plenty of water in Latin...
Advent: the season of expectation

Advent: the season of expectation

Like a child awaiting Christmas Day … like a mother awaiting the birth of her child in a stable … like the world awaiting a Savior — there are so many people in our world expectantly waiting for change. Advent is the season of expectation. Every day we draw closer to...
When you give water, you change a life

When you give water, you change a life

Christmas is just around the corner, which means the World Help Gifts catalog is back! And it’s full of ways you can choose to transform a life. Every gift is unique, which means there’s a gift that’s perfect for you! Many of our gifts are immediate — they provide...
Dirty water’s effect on a young mom

Umuoru Usmuode: The village with no water

The villagers of Umuoru Usmuode in Nigeria were tired. Each morning, the children of the village would venture out with buckets to walk the long, dangerous road to the nearest water source. By the time they filled their buckets from the dirty, shallow stream two miles...
Your love arrived in rural India

Your love arrived in rural India

Manisha was only a few years old when her low-caste, impoverished community dissolved into mayhem. Her rural village of Nath Maholla was overlooked for centuries. Desperation skyrocketed when government regulations banned one of the community’s main sources of income:...
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