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Mother’s Day: A Gift She’ll Deeply Cherish

Mother’s Day is less than a week away . . . but don’t panic. There’s still time to give her something more meaningful than you ever have before. What better way to show your appreciation than to live out what she taught you? This year, give your mom a gift that will...

4 Ways You Can Change a Life Through Crisis Relief

No one is prepared when tragedy strikes. That’s the nature of a disaster—it’s unexpected and devastating. The same is true of political unrest. Although many may see the warning signs, few are usually prepared for the consequences. At World Help, we’re committed to...
Hope for Tomorrow: How Goats Transform Lives in Rwanda

Hope for Tomorrow: How Goats Transform Lives in Rwanda

Imagine you were living in poverty and knew exactly what it would take to help you, but you couldn’t afford it. When a better life for you and your family is just out of reach, the psychological stress can be excruciating.But what if someone else had the power to...

2015 Impact: Community Development

Ingrid had a feeling something wasn’t right, but she was not prepared for the news she would receive from the medical center. The word cancer struck her with excruciating force. How would she afford the surgery she needed? Who would care for her two young children if...

Provide Clean Water this Christmas

This Christmas, you can do something extraordinary. Give a gift that will allow your loved ones to be a part of something truly beautiful—something that will transform lives forever. Today, there are 663 million people living without access to clean water. And this...
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