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Snapshots from Guatemala

Today’s guest blogger is Ryley Rush, a recent World Help trip participant, and a member of the Austin Guatemala Project. AGP is a movement amongst twenty churches in Austin, Texas, to ignite a passion for missions through transforming the village of Pueblo...

Clean Water In Haiti

We are excited to announce a massive undertaking that, when finished, will improve the lives of hundreds of people in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. The island nation of Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the poorest countries in the world. Basic...

Give A Gift That Keeps Giving

What do pigs, chickens, goats, and cows have to do with Christmas? In most developing parts of the world, owning livestock means everything . . . from having a dependable source of food to operating a sustainable business. Each animal offers the chance for stability...

Nirpur: Water and Hope

Can you imagine running a farm without irrigation, relying only on the hope of rain? What if that hope frequently failed you, leaving your crop devastated and your family without a source of income to buy food? This is Nirpur’s story. The villagers of Nirpur, India,...

How One Church Said “Yes” to God

Without faith, it is impossible to please God – Hebrews 11:6 Pastor Kevin McGinley and SouthGate Church in Colorado understand that verse of Scripture very well. Several years ago, the church exercised faith to begin a journey that would radically transform lives, as...
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