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6 easy ways to teach your kids about World Water Day

6 easy ways to teach your kids about World Water Day

How often do your kids think about water? Maybe they get thirsty in the middle of the night … or excited when they play in the sprinkler on a hot day. For some kids, water can be the enemy at bath time and a friend at the neighbor’s pool. But although your kids...
Water: from death to life

Water: from death to life

“And this was [John the Baptist’s] message: ‘After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit’” — Mark 1: 7-8, NIV. A symbol of new...
Water is life

Water is life

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation — Isaiah 12:3, ESV. You’ve probably heard the phrase “water is life.” But what does that really mean? For most of us, water is everywhere. We have never truly had to go without it. When people say, “water is...
How clean water changed one mother’s life

How clean water changed one mother’s life

Lilian can still remember the weight of a bucket in her small hands as she struggled to keep her balance on the muddy riverbank. She can almost feel her feet slipping as she dipped the bucket into water that swirled with dirt. And she can remember the struggle as she...
Zero water, zero hope

Zero water, zero hope

“Day Zero.” It sounds like the title of a post-apocalyptic novel on the best-sellers list. But for Cape Town, South Africa, it is a harsh reality. The term, “Day Zero” refers to the day when the city will officially run out of water due to the three-year drought. It’s...
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