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“You can’t love without giving”: A video devotional

“You can’t love without giving”: A video devotional

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 (NIV) John 3:16 is one of the most familiar verses in the Bible. We learn it as children in Sunday school — memorizing the...
How do people around the world celebrate Easter?

How do people around the world celebrate Easter?

  Easter is right around the corner … and the kids in our child sponsorship program are ready to celebrate! Through the generosity of their sponsors, these children have access to essentials like nutritional food, clean water, basic medical care, and educational...

4 Reasons We Don’t Pray for Persecuted Christians

“Prayer breaks all bars, dissolves all chains, opens all prisons, and widens all straits by which God’s saints have been held.” E. M. Bounds At present, there are an estimated 100 million Christians around the world suffering unimaginable...

Blueprint: Increasing Our Global Impact

Watch World Help Blueprint from World Help on Vimeo. World Help is taking the first steps of an exciting new journey that will impact millions of lives around the world. As a part of our vision to double in impact and size, we’ve constructed a working, living...
Rwanda: Reflection and Restoration

Rwanda: Reflection and Restoration

  As we step into the month of April, we are faced with the anniversary of the atrocities that besieged Rwanda 18 years ago. In a matter of months, Rwanda’s world was drastically changed and would be forever changed. The people of Rwanda continue to grapple with...


This Thanksgiving, we want to take a moment and just say “thank you.” Because of your partnership, we’ve been able to provide over 44,000 sponsorships to children in 28 countries, giving them access to necessities like food, clothing, medical care, education,...
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