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From the Field: Please help Syria’s child refugees

From the Field: Please help Syria’s child refugees

This week, I’ve shared a lot of the hopelessness I’ve seen on the Syrian border. But today, I want to give you an example of something that demonstrates how hope is never lost as long as compassionate people exist. One of the highlights of this trip was the chance to...
On the Syrian border: Dropping everything to flee

On the Syrian border: Dropping everything to flee

While in the Middle East this week, I stood on the Syrian border and watched as countless people poured out of the country of their birth. A few arrived in cars, but many people piled out of buses. They dragged small suitcases and trash bags containing the possessions...
How you can help Ghouta families survive

How you can help Ghouta families survive

On one side of eastern Ghouta, Syria, rebel forces are fighting to keep the city. On the other side, the armies of the Syrian government are battling to reclaim it. Trapped in the middle of the fighting — directly in the line of fire — are thousands of innocent...
The escape from Mosul: Rahim’s story

The escape from Mosul: Rahim’s story

The smell of burning rubble. The ear-piercing pops of automatic weapons. The sight of his brother being killed before his eyes … These are all experiences Rahim cannot wipe from his memory. He can never forget them. Even when he lies down to sleep in the displacement...
Syria is burning — Here’s how you can help

Syria is burning — Here’s how you can help

Ahmed makes his way through the dusty, rubble-filled street that once was his neighborhood. The cold wind tears at his flimsy coat — it was all Ahmed had time to grab as he and his family escaped their home. His family now lives in the basement of a half-destroyed...
Syria is burning — Here’s how you can help

Children are dying in brutal Syrian airstrikes

The thick clouds of smoke make it impossible to know whether it’s day or night in Eastern Ghouta, Syria. Bombs are constantly falling. Hospitals have been demolished. Houses have been leveled. But the relentless airstrikes continue. In three days, more than 300...
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