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5 reasons children around the world need you (now more than ever)

5 reasons children around the world need you (now more than ever)

When I was a little girl and I had a nightmare, I knew I could always climb into bed with my parents. I remember my mom would hold me close and reassure me I was safe. She’d tell me everything was OK. And it always was. But for unsponsored children around the world,...
4 ways to make sponsorship a family affair

4 ways to make sponsorship a family affair

His name was Habineza, and his picture had a permanent place on our old, silver fridge. We began sponsoring that sweet, little boy from Rwanda when I was in high school. Although I was the one who initially decided to sponsor him, sponsorship quickly became a family...
The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

What is it that makes being called by name so special? Maybe it makes us feel known or understood. Maybe we like knowing that someone cared enough to remember. But no matter why you like it, we can all agree that names are special. That’s why it’s so important to...
A New Year’s prayer for your sponsored child

A New Year’s prayer for your sponsored child

Who prays for you? Maybe your mother prays for you every night before bed. Maybe your pastor prays for you each Sunday. Maybe your spouse prays for you over his or her daily devotions. Knowing people pray for you is a reminder that they care. It shows they’ve invested...
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