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World Help Supporters Provide Aid to Ramadi Refugees

Only a few weeks ago, we received the first harrowing reports of ISIS’s brutal capture of the Iraqi city of Ramadi. Thousands of terrified refugees fled for their lives with nothing but the clothes on their backs . . . another strategic city claimed by the brutal...

Nepal: I Need Your Help

When I first heard about the April 25 earthquake that devastated Nepal, my heart sank. Almost immediately, I began receiving reports of the destruction from our partners. Churches I’ve preached in—that World Help supporters built—were leveled to the ground. Landslides...

What God Used Our Supporters to Accomplish in 2014

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the release of our 2014 Annual Report, Hands, Feet, and Heart. Inside these pages, you’ll get a glimpse of the beautiful story God has been writing around the world through the faithfulness of ordinary people—individuals, families,...

Tragedy Strikes Again in Nepal

Just 17 days after Nepal was rocked by a devastating earthquake that left more than 8,000 people dead and entire communities in crumbled heaps . . . tragedy has come once again to this nation. By now you’ve probably heard of the 7.3 magnitude quake that struck in...

Tragic News From Nepal

This week, our team received some heartbreaking news from our partners in Nepal. Prakash Tamang, a 16 year-old boy from our Chaku Village Child Sponsorship Program, was tragically killed in the April 25 earthquake that has already claimed the lives of over 8,400...

Vernon Brewer to Fox News: “WE MUST ACT IN NEPAL”

The death toll from Nepal’s deadly earthquake on Saturday has climbed past 5,000. The nation is in a full-blown crisis. Thousands are still missing and injured victims must bear the horrifying reality of limited medical care. Earthquake survivors will need...
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