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Feeling Burned Out?

After the excitement of the holidays has vanished, and our days are swallowed up in the frenzy of routine, a sense of exhaustion can easily wash over us. Suddenly, we find ourselves feeling burned out, disconnected, and maybe even out of touch with our creativity. To...

Haiti: 5 Years After the Earthquake

Five years ago today, on January 12, 2010, the impoverished island nation of Haiti was leveled by a massive 7.0 earthquake. More than 230,000 people were killed, 300,000 were injured, and 1.5 million were left homeless. It remains one of the most devastating disasters...

Last Chance to Give | 2014 Tax Deduction

The clock is ticking down the last remaining moments before the New Year . . . but good news: There’s still time to leave your mark on 2014. Part of World Help’s vision for this year is to impact 3 million people around the world through a number of strategic...

A Special Year-End Message From Iraq

With the New Year only moments away, I want to ask you to turn your attention to war-torn Iraq for this special, year-end message: This year has been one of the most devastating times in history in the Middle East. Millions have escaped the bloodshed of ISIS only to...

Impacting 3 Million in 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, many of our brothers and sisters around the world continue to face unimaginable suffering at the hands of poverty, war, and injustice. I believe it is in these desperate moments—these times where the rest of the world is standing still—when...

A Christmas Message from the Choir

The Christmas season has certainly been merry and bright for Children of the World this year on the Rescue Tour! It’s been a thrilling few months for the children, making new friends, exploring new cities, and enjoying new holiday traditions. With Christmas only a few...
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