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The Battle of Hope

“It never ends,” Isam recently told me about his work in the Middle East. He is World Help’s on-the-ground partner in Jordan near the Syrian border. He facilitates aid distribution, working on the front lines with the refugees who have fled into Jordan. Over the past...

Syrian Refugee Camps: Winter Extends the Suffering

Shells explode in the distance. Shouting. A woman’s cry. The sobbing of a child. Bloodstained streets. The Syrian border is only a few miles away, but for hundreds of thousands of refugees, the nightmare is far from over. The biting winds signal the coming of winter,...

Syria: It’s Not All Right

Crisis in Syria from World Help. I just returned from an emergency trip to the Syrian border. What I saw there was horrifying . . . heart-wrenching . . . images of tragedy that were worse than I ever thought possible. I literally met hundreds of refugees who were...

Refugee Crisis Escalates in Syria

Last night, 78 more Syrian civilians were mercilessly slaughtered in a small farming town in the province of Hama. The victims were mostly women and children—innocent and completely defenseless—marking yet another astonishing tragedy in this unfolding crisis. Children...

Children Massacred in Syria

The nation of Syria is on the verge of complete collapse. Violence is erupting everywhere, and people are fleeing for their very lives. Thousands have died running or hiding, proving that this brutality has no goal other than to terrorize innocent people . . . even...

One Container . . . Thousands of Lives Impacted

World Help has been diligently working to prepare a container filled with humanitarian aid supplies that will benefit hundreds of needy families in Guatemala. These resources will eventually be distributed by our faithful national partner, who meets the physical and...
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