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See the difference you made in 2017!

See the difference you made in 2017!

2017 was an incredible year of rescuing people in need — and you played a part in that! Last year, the World Help family helped bring help and hope to more than 3.5 million people. That’s more lives changed than any year previously. But none of that would have...
Zero water, zero hope

Zero water, zero hope

“Day Zero.” It sounds like the title of a post-apocalyptic novel on the best-sellers list. But for Cape Town, South Africa, it is a harsh reality. The term, “Day Zero” refers to the day when the city will officially run out of water due to the three-year drought. It’s...
From the Field: Meet Natasha from Puerto Rico

From the Field: Meet Natasha from Puerto Rico

Family has always been important to me, particularly through my battle with cancer and other difficult seasons in my life. And no matter where I travel in the world, I see that we all have that in common — families are important to us, especially in times of crisis....
On the ground in Puerto Rico

On the ground in Puerto Rico

It’s been five months since Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the island province of Puerto Rico. The world watched, eyes glued to their screens as footage of flooded streets cycled on every news channel. When I saw the news and heard the stories of destruction, I...
A special Valentine’s Day video for you

A special Valentine’s Day video for you

Happy Valentine’s Day from your World Help family   Because of you, lives have been saved, and hearts have been changed for eternity. Thank you for sending help … hope … and love! We are incredibly grateful for...
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