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Small gift ideas to show BIG love to your sponsored child

Small gift ideas to show BIG love to your sponsored child

Good things come in small packages, right? As you purchase Valentine’s Day cards and chocolates for your loved ones, don’t forget to pick up a little something extra for your sponsored child, too. Everyone loves receiving gifts and feeling special, and your sponsored...
Wish your sponsored child a Happy Valentine’s Day

Wish your sponsored child a Happy Valentine’s Day

When I was growing up, I always looked forward to Valentine’s Day. I didn’t have a boyfriend, and I wasn’t expecting anything romantic. I was anticipating a gift from my father. Valentine’s Day is often all about couples. But every year my father used it as an...
The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

What is it that makes being called by name so special? Maybe it makes us feel known or understood. Maybe we like knowing that someone cared enough to remember. But no matter why you like it, we can all agree that names are special. That’s why it’s so important to...
A New Year’s prayer for your sponsored child

A New Year’s prayer for your sponsored child

Who prays for you? Maybe your mother prays for you every night before bed. Maybe your pastor prays for you each Sunday. Maybe your spouse prays for you over his or her daily devotions. Knowing people pray for you is a reminder that they care. It shows they’ve invested...
The best resolution you’ll make this year

The best resolution you’ll make this year

A new year is here, full of excitement and possibility! There are 365 days ahead of you, and you get to decide how to live each one. Many folks start the year by making resolutions. Lose weight. Don’t watch so much TV. Stop biting your nails.  But instead of just...
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