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The moment that changed Carlos’ life

The moment that changed Carlos’ life

Can you pinpoint a moment when your life was changed forever? For some, that moment was receiving advice at just the right time. Others can point back to a tragedy that radically altered their lives. Some people’s lives changed when they had to make an impossible...
Why sponsor? Just ask Mayda!

Why sponsor? Just ask Mayda!

Mayda Tress touches the lives of hurting people every day through her work as a registered nurse. But on a trip to Guatemala, God moved her heart to help hurting people in a new way — a way that would change her life forever: I believe in a practical Gospel. I believe...
Doctor. Artist. Superman. What was your dream?

Doctor. Artist. Superman. What was your dream?

Doctor. Firefighter. Artist. Superman. When you were a kid, you probably had big dreams about what you wanted to be when you grew up. A child living in poverty is no different. No matter where they’re from, children around the world love to dream. But many children...
You could meet your sponsored child

You could meet your sponsored child

When you think of the ultimate sponsorship experience, what comes to mind? For many, it’s probably getting to meet your child. Every year, some of our Children of the World choir members have the opportunity to meet their sponsors. That meeting is always special, but...
From the field | Rebuilding Rwanda one child at a time

From the field | Rebuilding Rwanda one child at a time

My trip to Africa this past week marks 30 years since I first stepped foot on this beautiful continent. I’ve been back to Africa many times since — traveling to several different countries and villages. But one of my favorite places to visit will always be Rwanda....
From the field | Child sponsorship gives kids a second chance

From the field | Child sponsorship gives kids a second chance

Yesterday, I shared the desperate needs of refugee children in northern Uganda with you and received an incredible response. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the generosity that was shown. But, in addition to immediate help, these boys and girls need long-term...
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