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From the Field3 min read


Field Team Update | Uncovering Hope in Peru

Blog Team
Nov 16, 2013

Last week, our team was on the field in Peru where God is working miracles in the lives of people who have been crippled by the effects of poverty for as long as they can remember.

Led by Senior Vice President Tom Thompson, the team was able to forge future  project strategies, build relationships with our national partners, and be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to those in need.

Here are just a few of the highlights . . .


“I never knew God loved me this much.” Elizabeth whispered as she set foot in the newly painted halls of Grace Home.

Elizabeth is the second graduate of Grace Home in Lima, Peru, where God is writing a new story for young women who have suffered from unimaginable abuse. It’s the only rehabilitation facility of its kind in all of Latin America.

We had the privilege of praying for Elizabeth and watching as she received her diploma . . . a milestone she’ll remember for the rest of her life.

Elizabeth's graduation 2

Peru is currently ranked number one in Latin America for sexual abuse. Nearly 80 percent of the victims are minors and 22 percent are between the ages of 6 and 11. Victims are routinely shamed into silence, isolated from any form of help or support.

We believe the young women of Peru should expect so much more from their lives. The vision for Grace Home was born from this simple belief and is now serving as a refuge for healing, hope, and restoration.

Watch this video to get a glimpse of the lives that are being changed because of this remarkable home.

Watch Peru Video Grace Home Graduation from World Help on Vimeo.


The Bora tribe lives deep in the Amazon where both the Gospel and clean drinking water are hard to find.

Bora tribe2

This community was forced to relocate after a debilitating flood wiped out their homes. They gathered water from a dirty stream, the only water source available in their new location. The health of their children deteriorated quickly and the Bora were growing desperate. But that has all changed.

Our team had the privilege of celebrating with the Bora as we dedicated their new well, generously provided by the Dean-Hill family.

Bora tribe where dean-hill well is located

We were greeted by songs, laughter, and tribal dancing that would rival any American stage.

Take a look at this video to see more.

Watch Bora Well Dedication | Peru from World Help on Vimeo.

This well represents so much more than clean water . . . it’s a doorway for the Gospel.

This simple gift has paved the way for new relationships to develop between our local church partners and the Bora village leaders.

A brand-new church building, provided by the Cook family, will be the epicenter of ministry to the Bora tribe as well as several other surrounding communities.

Church provided by Skip Cook


In response to Jesus’ continual emphasis on the “least of these” in our world, we are striving to bring physical freedom to Peruvians with disabilities.

Tom_wheelchair 3

We had the distinct joy of continuing our ministry to these precious people by distributing 19 wheelchairs to those who have never known what it’s like to be mobile.

The best part about this specific outreach is the opportunity we have to share the hope of the Gospel with each wheelchair recipient.


There’s so much more we could share with you about this incredible week. We met with church planters and pastors who are leading Gospel initiatives in some of the most unreached areas of the country. And we spent time training with our child sponsorship staff and investing in the precious children who are being cared for through the support of sponsors.

Children of Peru

God is truly at work in this nation, lifting up the hurting and accomplishing the impossible every day for His glory.

We know He is able to do more here than we could ever ask or imagine. We hope you’ll continue to partner with us as we work to bring Peru help for today . . . . and hope for tomorrow.


Watch Transforming Peru from World Help on Vimeo.

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