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Gift Catalog5 min read


Gift Giving Guide: Pastors edition

Kelsey Campbell
Nov 14, 2019

In addition to celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Christmas season is a special time of showing love and appreciation for the important people in your life … often in the form of a thoughtful gift.

But some of those people you want to honor — like pastors, teachers, and co-workers — can be difficult to shop for since you may not know them as well as your family members or closest friends.

Not to worry — we’ve got some gift ideas to help you out!

Today, let’s talk about gifts your pastor or other church leaders will appreciate.

Maybe you usually give your pastor a tin of holiday cookies or a gift card to his favorite restaurant. But this holiday, what if you gave a gift that means a little bit more …


Bibles for North Korea

For almost two decades, North Korea has been ranked the worst country when it comes to Christian persecution. Believers can be sentenced to a labor camp or even killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ. But despite the danger, North Korean believers and seekers still plead for their own copy of God’s Word.

For just $10, you can send one Bible to North Korea in honor of your pastor. Think of how much it will mean to him to know his Christmas gift is helping spread the Gospel in one of the most spiritually dark countries on earth.

And when you give this or any other gift from the World Help Christmas Giving catalog, you can request a FREE greeting card so you can write a personalized message about your gift.

USB Bibles


Another way you can share God’s Word in your pastor’s name is by giving digital Bibles. These Bibles, copied onto USB drives, are the smallest and most discreet version of the Scriptures.  Persecuted Christians can read and share the Gospel with less chance of being caught.

Because these USB drives are passed around and the content easily downloaded, each $20 digital Bible given in honor of your pastor has the potential to reach as many as 50 people!


While it’s easy for your pastor to drive to church on Sunday or visit shut-ins and people in the hospital during the week, it’s not that simple for a minister living in a place like rural Rwanda.

When a pastor with no form of transportation receives a bicycle, it can expand his ministry exponentially. He can travel to neighboring villages to share the Good News and check on people he is discipling. He also can show the love of Jesus to his community by offering rides to the doctor or carrying heavy goods to market.

What an incredible way to show your pastor how much he means to you while also helping another preacher on the other side of the world! Give bicycles today with a $100 gift.

Rwandan nativity


Would you rather give a gift you can wrap but that still makes a difference?

This wooden nativity is hand-carved by woodworkers in Rwanda and beautifully demonstrates the real meaning of Christmas. It will bring holiday cheer to your pastor’s home, and your purchase helps support hardworking artisans so they can provide for their families.

Plus, a portion of every dollar you spend provides one meal for a hungry child. So if you choose this $45 nativity, you’re helping feed 45 boys and girls in need. It’s a gift that benefits multiple people!


Whatever gift you choose, don’t forget to send a personalized e-card or request your FREE greeting card at checkout so you can tell your pastor how much you appreciate all he does for you and your church.

And if you haven’t found just the right gift yet, check out dozens of other options by browsing the full World Help Christmas Giving catalog today.


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