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Gift Catalog3 min read


Got questions? Here are your World Help Gifts answers!

Kelsey Campbell
Oct 27, 2018

Christmas is quickly approaching and you’re probably wondering what you should buy for the special people in your life.

What if you could give meaningful gifts that have double the impact? For example, if you purchase a suede clutch for your mom, you also are helping feed a starving child. Or, if you purchase shoes for a child in need, you also are enabling that child to get an education since most schools have a dress code.

Maybe your dad “has everything he needs,” but he can never resist a good deal. You can provide emergency aid to a refugee in your dad’s honor — and your gift is multiplied over five times!

But of all the decisions you make when it comes to gift giving, you should never have to wonder: “How does World Help Gifts work?” or “Will my gift be used in the best possible way?”

So we’ve complied some of the most commonly asked questions about World Help Gifts. We want to make sure you shop with ease and confidence!

Enquiring minds want to know:

If I give a goat … how will it get there? 

If you choose to give livestock, those animals will be purchased in the same country that the recipients reside in or in a neighboring area. This not only saves on cost, but it also ensures the animals are treated more humanely since they have a shorter journey to their new home. Purchasing livestock nearby helps boost the local economy, too, by supporting community farmers and herders.

If I donate in honor of a friend or loved one as a gift, can you send me something that I can still wrap that will explain the gift?

When you give in honor of others, you can request FREE Christmas cards that explain a gift was made in their honor to help rescue someone from poverty. There is also space on the cards for you to write a personalized holiday greeting. When ordering online, please type in the “notes and shipping instructions” box how many cards you will need. You may request one card per gift purchased.

We suggest either giving the Christmas card on its own or attaching it to another small gift that helps symbolize how you chose to transform a life; you can also pair it with a piece of World Help merchandise. And don’t forget, when you purchase World Help merchandise, you will also help feed a starving child.

How will you use my gift?

We promise to maximize your contribution to make the greatest impact and help rescue as many people as possible. If the need has been met for the gift you select, your donation will be used to provide similar aid in the same category or to help people most in need.

Also, all gifts are tax-deductible with the exception of products listed in the Merchandise section. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt following your donation.

How do World Help gift cards work?

When you purchase a World Help gift card, you’re giving someone else the opportunity to choose how to transform a life.

You can select either to email a digital gift card directly to your recipient or have a physical gift card mailed to you so you can personally give it to him or her.

The recipient will then have the opportunity to redeem the gift card online and choose a life-changing gift to benefit someone in need. It can be used on any World Help gift in the catalog or online with the exception of products listed in the Merchandise section.

Can I place an order after Christmas?

Absolutely! All of the gifts listed in the catalog and online are available throughout the year. Visit anytime to provide livestock, essential needs, Bibles, and more to families around the world.

* * *

We hope this has answered your questions, given you peace of mind, and sparked some creative gift-giving ideas. If you have more questions, you can click here. Whatever gift you choose, you’ll be helping transform lives around the world. So start shopping!


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