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Feed a starving
child for an entire year

Right now, a starving child is on the brink of death. But YOU can help save his life.

Starvation and malnutrition are among the leading killers of children under 5. They can be caused by many complicated factors like famine, crop failure, and war. The solution, though, is simple — these hungry children need food.

For $40, you can feed a starving child for an entire year.

Right now, a starving child is on the brink of death. But YOU can help save his life.

Starvation and malnutrition are among the leading killers of children under 5. They can be caused by many complicated factors like famine, crop failure, and war. The solution, though, is simple — these hungry children need food.

For $40, you can feed a starving child for an entire year.


When a child doesn’t have nutritious food, his body and brain stop developing like they should. His bones become brittle, he grows too weak even to walk, and eventually his organs start to shut down.

Children under age 3 are the most susceptible to death due to starvation. And one in every four children suffers from stunted growth as a result of malnutrition.

For $40, you can feed a starving child for an entire year.

When a child doesn’t have nutritious food, his body and brain stop developing like they should. His bones become brittle, he grows too weak even to walk, and eventually his organs start to shut down.

Children under age 3 are the most susceptible to death due to starvation. And one in every four children suffers from stunted growth as a result of malnutrition.

For $40, you can feed a starving child for an entire year.


Minimal FoodFamine

One in every 5 children in this extremely impoverished nation is malnourished.


Venezuela’s unstable economy has caused food prices to skyrocket, so the average family can’t even afford a loaf of bread.

Ongoing conflict has left 5.1 million children in need of food and basic necessities


Since the outbreak of the coronavirus and an onslaught of record-breaking storms, families in Central America haven’t been able to find or afford food.

15 percent of children in Zambia are underweight due to not having sufficient food.

Unpredictable droughts and floods have destroyed crops and livestock across the country.

Civil and political unrest have made getting food and basic necessities extremely difficult.

Ugandan refugee camps are home to many orphans from South Sudan, where violence and famine have cause more than 40 percent of the population to flee.


With a gift of $120 dollars, you can feed a child for 1,000 days!

That’s 1,000 days a child won’t have to wonder where his next meal is coming from … 1,000 days without missing school because he’s sick from malnourishment … and 1,000 days of knowing someone cares enough to meet his most critical need.

With a gift of $120 dollars, you can feed a child for 1,000 days!

That’s 1,000 days a child won’t have to wonder where his next meal is coming from … 1,000 days without missing school because he’s sick from malnourishment … and 1,000 days of knowing someone cares enough to meet his most critical need.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does war and violence affect food scarcity?
During wartimes, shipments of food can’t make it through blockades or rubble-filled streets. Farmers often abandon their crops as they flee to safety, and farmland can be destroyed by bombings. Some militias will hoard food and gouge the prices for local residents, making it nearly impossible for them to feed their families.

How does food scarcity affect local economies?
When drought and famine plague communities, crops and livestock die. And when local farmers have nothing to sell, entire economies suffer. As the supply of food decreases, prices increase. People stop buying other goods and services so they can afford basics like bread. With fewer customers, business owners struggle even more to feed their families.

So what do people eat during a famine?
Many people are forced to eat unimaginable things just to survive. Some resort to eating grass or plants. Parents will often make an edible paste out of cornstarch and water. In war-torn countries in the Middle East, some have even boiled cardboard to eat. Of course, none of these options provide the nutrients families need to stay alive.

What types of food will my donation provide?
One of the main foods your gift will provide is fortified rice that includes added vitamins and minerals. You will also help send nutritional supplements specially designed to help children fight malnutrition.

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