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Gift Catalog5 min read


Make this Christmas memorable by saving a child’s life

Emily Towns
Dec 11, 2019

“Mom, how many more sleeps until Santa comes?”

There are few things more magical than watching the Christmas season unfold through the eyes of a child. The twinkly lights, the cozy movies, and of course, the countdown until Christmas morning. The wonder of the season has a way of making us all feel like children again.

But in many homes around the world, families have much more pressing matters than wrapping presents or baking cookies. They are simply trying to make sure their little girls and boys survive long enough to see the new year.

Right now, a child is suffering from hunger or illness — the only thing on his wish list is to feel better so he can go outside and play with his friends. Unfortunately, his parents lack the resources to provide the nutritious food and medical care he needs. Despite their best efforts, without help, their child will not survive.

This Christmas, you can help change that. For $50 or less, you can give one family the greatest Christmas gift of all — the gift of life.

Here are a few ways you can help save a child’s life this holiday season:

Cure a child of painful parasites

Parasites are a daily reality for kids in many countries. Children living in poor communities contract them easily, and the intestinal worms cause painful cramps, nausea, and extreme weight loss. The resulting sickness even keeps children from attending school.

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution. Every 99¢ provides one dose of medicine that will completely rid a child’s body of intestinal worms. So, for just $30, you can help restore health to 30 children! And as an added bonus, a booklet explaining the Gospel is included with every dose of medicine — so by saving a child’s life, you also share the Good News of Jesus with his family and friends.

Provide a year’s worth of food

There are few things more terrible for parents than watching their child starve to death. Sadly, however, this is the case for many families living in poverty. With no way to provide regular, nutrient-rich meals, children become malnourished and suffer the slow, painful effects of starvation.

But for just $40, you can help save child’s life. Your gift will provide enough food to last one boy or girl an entire year.

Help rescue a malnourished child

Kids who are already at the point of extreme malnutrition need more than food to survive — they need emergency medical care. Many die preventable deaths because their families can’t afford to take them to the doctor.

For just $50, you can help rescue a child in Guatemala, Uganda, or Haiti. The child you help will receive the care and nutrition he needs to recover and begin his journey back to health.

This Christmas bring true joy to a suffering child by providing the food or medical care he needs. Your gift will arrive in the midst of a child’s greatest time of crisis — and that is some real Christmas magic.

To discover other ways you can help transform lives this holiday season, click the link below.

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