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Where Needed Most5 min read


Not sure how to help this Christmas? Give where needed most!

Sam Campbell
Nov 01, 2021

Every year around Christmas, my church holds a special service for our “best gift offerings.”

Families walk down the aisle as the pianist plays familiar carols, and everyone places their sealed envelopes in a wooden manger. It’s a time to give a little extra to tithe or missions — almost like a Christmas gift for Jesus.

To be honest, I’m never quite sure how much to give, so I spend some time praying about it.

Likewise, you may not know where to give this Christmas. Do you help provide food for starving Afghan families or help ship lifesaving supplies for disaster victims?

When you give where needed most, you don’t have to choose because your gift will always make the greatest impact. Plus, your donation now DOUBLES thanks to a $75,000 matching gift!

The Taliban takeover in Afghanistan is pushing many families to the brink of starvation. The coronavirus pandemic is still devastating many areas around the world. And who knows when another natural disaster will destroy another community’s crops and livelihoods?

Your gift this Christmas will put you on the frontlines by providing physical help and spiritual hope when people need it most.

Here are some ways your gift may be used:

Food for starving Afghan families

Since the Taliban takeover in August, many families in Afghanistan have been struggling to survive without shelter and very little food or water. They fled their homes to escape the violence, and now they are displaced within their own country.

“Without your help, we have nothing,” one Afghan woman said. “No jobs, no chance to go to school, and no chance to move around like before. It is hard to think of our future.”

One thing is certain — they have no future without food.

But your $45 gift can help them survive. By providing nutritious food and other lifesaving aid, you can help people in need live happier, healthier lives and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Bibles for persecuted believers

Perhaps your generosity will help provide spiritual food as well.

Owning a Bible is extremely rare in places like North Korea and China. Still, believers like John are hungry for the Word of God. They’re even willing to risk their lives for it.

Fifteen-year-old John crossed the dangerous North Korean border in search of food for his family, but instead, he found the Gospel. He was so excited to share the Good News with his loved ones back home that he decided to cross the river once more.

Unfortunately, he was caught, thrown into prison, and beaten over and over again. In the end, John gave his life for Christ.

Can you imagine enduring this kind of persecution without the comfort of Scripture? Despite the risks, persecuted believers are begging for the Bible.

You can be the answer to their prayers.

Medical treatment for sick children

Your gift this Christmas could also help rescue a child like Astridah.

After her mother died, baby Astridah’s life was in her father’s hands. But his low-paying job wasn’t enough to provide for his 3-month-old daughter. He couldn’t even afford to buy formula.

Many other children in places like Zambia and Guatemala are dying of malnutrition or preventable diseases. A lack of food depletes their bodies of essential nutrients, stunting their growth and weakening their immune systems. And the contaminated water they often drink leaves them susceptible to parasites and waterborne diseases.

By giving where needed most, your generosity could literally be the difference between life and death for children like Astridah.

Whether you help deliver food for hungry families in Afghanistan, provide Bibles for persecuted believers suffering for their faith, or help in some other way, you can be sure your gift will help meet the most urgent needs.

And your impact DOUBLES!

That means your $45 gift will become $90 to provide physical help and spiritual hope for 2X as many people.

If you’re ready to make a difference around the world this Christmas, please give where needed most.

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