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Bibles project report

Project Report

Published: September 20, 2018

Project Report

North Korea and Guatemala North Korea and Guatemala

Thank you for spreading the hope of the Gospel by providing Bibles to people who need them most! Your gifts have helped bring light to some of the spiritually darkest places on earth.

The Bibles you provided have brought comfort, instruction, and joy to Christians who otherwise wouldn’t be able to own one. You’ve helped new believers learn more about their faith and helped seekers discover the Truth of God’s Word.

North Korea: A risk worth taking

One North Korean woman was so desperate for Bibles that she risked her life to get them.

She knew that people were smuggling Bibles into her country. But her church was remote, and not on the typical route of the deliveries. She had to do something drastic to get Bibles for her church. That’s why she put her life on the line by asking a stranger a question that was against the law: “I came because we need Bibles. Do you have copies for me?”

This woman’s question was enough to get her sent to jail or killed, but because of you, she was able to receive a Bible instead!

This stranger is part of the network of believers who distributed the Bibles you helped provide. The woman had heard rumors that he could help her. And because of your support, he was able to give her a precious copy of God’s Word.

“For the believers in my church, even the dream of actually owning a precious Bible is enough to send our hearts racing!” she said. Thanks to you, that dream is now a reality!

Guatemala: An answer to prayer

The little church in Guatemala, had been praying for Bibles for a long time.

Most of the congregation couldn’t afford a copy of the Scriptures. They barely had the resources to cover their own basic needs. Buying a Bible was out of the question. But these Christians wanted to read the Gospel for themselves. So they decided to pray and trust God to provide the Bibles they needed.

That’s when you provided God’s Word and answered their prayers!

The local pastor was overjoyed when he heard his congregation would be receiving Bibles. “We know that God always has a perfect plan, and now we can see the hand of God continuing to work for us,” he said. “God has answered us!”

This church doesn’t have to pray for Bibles anymore. Instead, they’re praying for you! “We are very grateful to [you] for giving us the opportunity to have at our fingertips the holy Word of God,” the pastor said. “We pray God blesses you and fills you with joy and love in everything you do in the future.”

Thank you, again, for choosing to give people their first copy of God’s Word. You are making an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.

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